Sunday, July 27, 2008

Persian Cat named Kabu

The many faces of Kabu, a 1-yr old Persian Cat

My eldest daughter, Hidayah has a Persian Cat pet named Kabu.
Kabu is about a year old now and has been around the house should Hidayah comes back to JB during week end.
This cat is different from other cats due to the fact that it never mixed with any other cat. As such, it always plays alone and very alert when it sees any new item not familiar to its environment.

The many positions, a 1-yr old Persian Cat

The cat has always been the point of attention when it ia around although it did like the attention given. Sometimes, it just sit quietly under a chair or in a room if it is not hungry. It is quite a well-behaved cat although when she was about 3-4 months old, it would bite all electrical cables especially telephone charger leads. Few nos of telephone charger leads in this house had become victim to Kabu's shrp teeth. So, beware when you want to charge your hand phones, hid it somewhere so that Kabu does not notice it ... Take Care..


Saturday, July 26, 2008

Zafirah's Eighth Birthday

Today is the 8th. birthday of my youngest daughter, Nurlaila Zafirah. She is now in Standard Two at Sekolah Rendah Islam Al-Hidayah, Kpg. Sinaran, Selong, Johor Bahru.

Being the youngest in the family and the only one still schooling, she has to mend everything on her own, without the guide or company of a sister or brother. Such path is normally taken by the eldest in the family. However, since she is 12 years younger than her brother, she has to go through the experience similar to the eldest in the family. So far she is coping well.

It is our family tradition that everybody's birthday is never celebrated by throwing a party. We normally buy a cake and the birthday boy or girl just cut the cake with a Basmillah, no Happy Birthday jingle was sung.
For this 8th. birthday occasion, mama baked a Black Forest cake with black cherry decoration and I bought few slices of White Chocolate Mecademia Cake and Tiramisu Cake. The later cakes were bought to complement the former cake icing which did not harden when cooled.

The whole family prays to Allah for Zafirah's well-being and hopefully she will grow up to become a responsible person to serve the world for the hereafter, Ameen Ya Rabb 'alameen..

Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Month of Rejab 1429

The moon images snapped at Pagoh R&R, North-South
Highway on 16 Rejab, 1429 (18-July-2008)

Yesterday was 15th. Rejab, 1429 ; it is confirmed by the shape or appearance of the full moon which normally coincides with the middle of the Islamic Calendar month.
The month which is also known as the 'Month of Allah' has more 50% gone without us realising it and next month will be Sya'ban, the month of Ar-Rasul S.A.W.
It is going to be very soon that the beloved month of Ramadan will come where the rahmah and bounties from Allah S.W.T will be rushing down to mankind. The fasting month is the month where all muslims are eagerly waiting for ...

Let us browse through an extract from (in Bahasa Malaysia) as a reminder to all of us about the month where we are presently in.



Abd al-Razzaq bin Abd Muthalib

Allah swt telah mengutuskan para rasul dan menurunkan kitab-kitab-Nya serta menyediakan batas-batas arahan dan larangan atau boleh juga disebut sebagai syari'at kepada manusia. Ini semua bertujuan tidak lain dan tidak bukan supaya manusia itu mengabdikan diri serta mentauhidkan Allah SWT di dalam semua keadaan dan tingkah lakunya. Malah, inilah tujuan utama penciptaan makhluk seperti mana yang ditegaskan oleh Allah swt di dalam firmannya yang bermaksud:

"Dan tidak Aku ciptakan jin dam manusia itu kecuali untuk mengabdikan diri kepada-Ku". (Surah al-Zaariyat: ayat 56).

Suatu perkara yang penting dan perlu untuk diberikan perhatian bahawa segala bentuk ibadah ini tidak akan diterima oleh Allah swt melainkan jika ianya dilakukan dengan penuh keikhlasan kepada Allah swt serta menepati dengan cara yang dilakukan dan diperintahkan oleh Rasulullah saw. Maka sebarang bentuk ibadah yang tidak memenuhi dua syarat ini, ianya tidak akan diterima oleh Allah swt apatah lagi untuk diberikan ganjaran. Allah SWT berfirman yang bermaksud:

"Maka barangsiapa yang percaya dan mengharapkan pertemuan dengan Tuhannya, hendaklah ia melakukan amalan soleh dan janganlah mempersekutukan sesiapa pun di dalam ibadah kepada Tuhannya". ( Surah al-Kahfi: ayat 110).

Al-Imam Ibn Kathir (w 774 H) di dalam menafsirkan ayat ini menyatakan bahawa: ((Barangsiapa yang mengharapkan ganjaran serta balasan yang baik hendaklah ia melakukan amalan yang bertepatan dengan syariat Allah, dan hanya kerana Allah (ikhlas) serta tidak ada sekutu bagi-Nya, dan inilah dua rukun untuk diterima segala amalan, iaitu mesti dilakukan dengan ikhlas kepada Allah dan menepati dengan syariat yang dibawa oleh Rasulullah saw)).

(Ibn Kathir, Tafsir al-Quran al-‘Azim (Dimashq: Maktabah Dar al-Fiha’, cetakan ke-2, 1998), jilid 3, m/s 147).

Hal ini dikuatkan lagi dengan pendapat para ulamak, antaranya al-Fudhail bin ‘Iyadh r.h dalam kata-katanya: Sesungguhnya amalan yang dilakukan dengan penuh keikhlasan tetapi tidak betul maka ianya tidak akan diterima, dan jika dilakukan dengan betul tetapi tidak ikhlas, ianya juga tidak diterima, sehinggalah ianya dilakukan dengan penuh keikhlasan dan betul. Dan ikhlas itu ialah apabila dilakukan hanya kerana Allah ‘Azza wa Jalla, dan betul itu pula ialah apabila dilakukan menepati sunnah Rasulullah saw.

(Ibn Rejab al-Hanbali, Jami’ al-‘Ulum wa al-Hikam, (Beirut: al-Maktabah al-‘Asriyah, cetakan ke-3, 2000), m/s 15).

Bulan Rejab dan amalan yang dilakukan di dalamnya.

Bulan Rejab adalah antara salah satu bulan yang termasuk di dalam bulan-bulan yang suci. Dinamakan dengan Rejab bersempena dengan penghormatan terhadapnya di zaman jahiliyyah dengan tidak melakukan sebarang peperangan di dalam bulan ini. (Al-Razi, Mukhtar al-Sihah (Bierut: Muassah al-Risalah, 2001), m/s 215)

Telah menjadi amalan kebanyakan umat Islam untuk menghidupkan bulan ini dengan pelbagai amalan. Persoalannya, adakah amalan-amalan tersebut dilakukan dengan ikhlas dan menepati sunnah Rasulullah saw untuk melayakkan amalan tersebut diterima? Menyentuh tentang persoalan ikhlas, kemungkinan semua orang memilikinya, tetapi adakah amalan tersebut bertepatan dengan syariat dan sunnah Rasulullah saw. Justeru, menjadi kewajipan ke atas umat Islam untuk menyemak dan memastikan segala amalan yang dilakukannya itu bertepatan dengan syariat dan sama dengan cara yang dilakukan oleh Rasulullah saw.

Antara amalan-amalan yang dilakukan oleh umat Islam dalam bulan Rejab ini yang tidak menepati sunnah Rasulullah saw ialah:

1) Menghidupkan malam ke-27, dan dinamakan dengan malam al-Isra’ wa al-Mi’raj.

Sememangnya tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa peristiwa al-Isra’ wa al-Mi’raj merupakan salah satu daripada peristiwa besar dan penting di dalam sejarah Islam. Ianya bukti kepada kebesaran Allah swt dan kebenaran Nabi Muhamad saw serta risalah yang dibawa oleh Baginda. Tersebar luas di kalangan umat Islam bahawa peristiwa agung ini berlaku di malam dua puluh tujuh di bulan Rejab. Maka sebahagian besar umat Islam menyambut dan menghidupkan malam ini dengan amalan-amalan yang khusus dengan mengharapkan fadhilat-fadhilat tertentu. Tetapi pendapat ini adalah tidak tepat sepertimana yang disebut oleh Syiekh Abdullah bin Abd al-Aziz bin Baz: Dan malam ini yang dikatakan berlaku padanya peristiwa al-Isra’ wa al-Mi’raj, tidak ada satu hadith sahih pun yang menyebut tentang tarikh peristiwa ini secara khusus, dan semua pendapat yang menyebut tentang tarikh berlakunya peristiwa ini secara khusus adalah tidak thabit daripada Rasulullah saw di sisi ulamak hadith, dan kepada Allah jualah diserahkan segala hikmah disebalik kerahsiaan ini kepada manusia, dan walau sekiranya terdapat hadith sahih yang menjelaskan tentang perkara ini, tetap juga tidak dibenarkan umat Islam untuk menghidupkan malam ini dengan amalan-amalan yang khusus, serta tidak harus untuk menghidupkannya dengan sebarang perayaan kerana Rasulullah saw dan para sahabat r.a tidak pernah merayakannya dan tidak melakukan sebarang amalan yang khusus. Sekiranya menghidupkan atau merayakan malam ke-27 ini amalan yang disyariatkan, semestinya Nabi saw akan menunjukan panduannya sama ada dengan kata-kata atau perbuatannya, dan sekiranya amalan ini pernah dilakukan oleh Baginda saw, semestinya akan diketahui dan masyhur serta akan disampaikan oleh para sahabat ra kepada kita.

(Abdullah bin Abd al-Aziz bin Baz, al-Tahzir min al-Bida’, cetakan ke-3, Uni. Islam Madinah, m/s 7).

2) Solat Raghaib

Solat ini dilakukan berdasarkan kepada satu hadith maudhu’ yang diriwayatkan oleh Anas bin Malik ra, katanya: Telah bersabda Rasulullah saw: Rejab bulan Allah, Sya’ban bulan-ku, dan Ramadhan bulan umatku… dan tidak ada seorang pun yang berpuasa pada hari Khamis yang pertama dalam bulan Rejab kemudian melakukan solat diantara waktu Maghrib dan ‘Atamah (waktu sepertiga awal malam), iaitu dilakukan pada malam Jumaat sebanyak dua belas rakaat, dibaca pada setiap rakaat surah al-Fatihah sekali dan surah al-Qadr tiga kali, dan surah al-Ikhlas sebanyak dua belas kali, dan diselangi setiap dua rakaat dengan salam, dan apabila telah selesai, ia berselawat ke atasku sebanyak 70 kali, kemudian membaca: (Allahumma salli ‘ala Muhammadin Nabiy al-Ummiy wa ‘ala alihi), kemudian sujud dan membaca: (Subbhuhun Quddusun Rabbu al-Malaikatu wa al-Ruh) sebanyak 70 kali, kemudian ia angkat kepalanya dan kemudian membaca: (Rabbi ighfir warham watajawaj ‘amma ta’lamu innaka anta al-‘azizu al-a’dzam) sebanyak 70 kali, kemudian ia sujud kali kedua dan membaca seperti bacaan di sujud pertama, kemudian ia mohon kepada Allah segala hajatnya, nescaya akan ditunaikan. Bersabda Rasulullah saw lagi: Dan demi diriku yang di tangan-Nya, tidak ada seorang hamba pun, lelaki mahupun perempuan yang mengerjakan solat ini melainkan akan diampunkan Allah sekelian dosanya, walau pun seperti buih di lautan dan sebanyak dedaun di pohonan, dan ia akan dapat memberi syafaat pada hari Qiamat untuk 700 orang di kalangan kaum keluarganya…))

(Diriwayatkan oleh Ibn al-Jauzi, di dalam kitabnya al-Maudhu ‘at, jilid 2, m/s 124-125).

Seterusnya Ibn al-Jauzi menyebut: ((Hadith ini adalah maudhu’ dan dusta ke atas Rasulullah saw, di dalam nya terdapat seorang rawi yang bernama Ibn Jahdham yang terkenal dengan dusta, dan aku mendengar guruku; Abd al-Wahab berkata: Para rawinya majhul (tidak dikenali) dan telah disemak tentang peribadi mereka ini di dalam semua kitab tetapi tidak ku temui tentang mereka).

Al-Imam al-Syaukaniy rh juga menyebut di dalam kitabnya: al-Fawaid al-Majmu ‘ah fi al-Ahadith al-Maudhu‘ah: ((Hadith ini adalah maudhu’ dan perawinya adalah majhul (tidak dikenali), dan solat Raghaib yang masyhur ini telah sepakat para ulamak bahawa ia adalah maudhu’)).

Setelah kita mengetahui tentang kedudukan hadith yang menyebut tentang solat Raghaib ini, marilah kita melihat apakah pandangan para ulamak tentang hukum mengerjakan solat tersebut.

Imam al-Nawawi (w 676H) berkata: Sesungguhnya ia adalah bid ‘ah yang ditegah di antara bid ‘ah-bid ‘ah yang sesat, dan padanya terdapat pelbagai percanggahan yang jelas, Allah memerangi mereka yang mencipta dan mereka-reka solat ini, dan para imam telah menulis pelbagai penulisan yang bernilai dan bermutu yang menyebut tentang keburukannya, kesesatan orang yang mengerjakan sembahyang ini, dan yang melakukan bid ‘ah ini, serta dalil tentang kejelekan, kebatilan serta kesesatan orang yang mengamalkannya adalah terlalu banyak dan tidak terhitung.

(Al-Nawawi, al-Minhaj Syarah Sahih Muslim, (Bierut: Dar al-Ma’rifah, cetakan ke-7, 2000), jilid 8, m/s 262.

Al-Imam Ibn Taimiyah (w 728 H) juga menyanggah pendapat tentang kewujudan solat ini dengan berkata: Solat ini (Raghaib) ini tidak dilakukan oleh Rasulullah saw dan tidak pula oleh seorang pun dikalangan para sahabat Baginda, tabi‘in dan para imam kaum Muslimin, dan Nabi saw tidak menggalakkannya serta tidak terdapat seorang pun dikalangan ulamak salaf dan imam-imam yang menggalakannya dan mereka tidak pernah menyebut akan adanya keutamaan-keutamaan yang khusus bagi malam ini. Hadith-hadith yang menyebut mengenainya adalah dusta dan maudhu’ dengan sepakat ahli ilmu, maka oleh kerana itu ahli-ahli tahqiq mengatakan bahawa solat tersebut adalah makruh, bukan sunat)).

(Ibn Taimiyah, Majmu’ al-Fatawa, 1/149)

Menurut al-Hafiz Ibn Rejab pula: Solat ini adalah bid‘ah di sisi jumhur (kebanyakan) ulamak, dan di antara mereka yang menyebut tentang perkara ini adalah di kalangan ulamak yang terkemudian seperti Abu Ismail al-Haruwi, Abu Bakar ibn al-Sam‘aniy, Abu al-Fadhl ibn Nasir, Abu al-Farj ibn al-Jawzi dan yang lain lagi, dan perkara ini tidak disebut oleh ulamak yang awal disebabkan ianya hanya muncul selepas daripada zaman mereka, dan yang terawal timbulnya perkara ini ialah selepas 400 tahun, maka sebab itulah golongan ulamak yang awal dan terdahulu tidak mengetahuinya dan tidak membincangkannya

(Ibn Rejab, Lataif al-Ma ‘arif, m/s 228)

Terdapat ramai lagi dikalangan ulamak yang membincangkan tentang hukum solat Raghaib ini. Kesimpulan yang dapat dibuat daripada pendapat-pendapat mereka semuanya menafikan kewujudan solat ini dan menganggap ia sebagai salah satu bid ‘ah (ibadat yang direka-reka) yang amat ditegah dan tidak boleh mengamalkannya kerana ianya tidak thabit daripada Rasulullah saw mahupun para sahabat ra serta al-tabi’in..

3) Berpuasa penuh di bulan Rejab atau sebahagiannya dengan menganggap ianya mempunyai fadhilat yang khas.

Sesetengah daripada umat Islam akan berpuasa di bulan ini sepenuhnya atau sebahagainya dan mereka menganggap puasa ini mempunyai kelebihan dan fadhilat yang khusus. Tetapi malangnya, ganjaran atau kelebihan yang khas bagi mereka yang melakukan amalan ini tidak bersumberkan daripada al-Quran atau hadith-hadith yang sahih. Bahkan ianya diambil daripada hadith-hadith yang maudhu’ (palsu) dan yang lebih malang lagi hadith-hadith ini disebarkan oleh golongan-golongan agama atau ustaz-ustaz kepada masyarakat Islam samada di dalam kuliah-kuliah mereka atau melalui penulisan. Antara hadith-hadith maudhu’ yang tersebar luas mengenai fadhilat puasa di bulan Rejab ini ialah:

1. Ibnu al-Jawzi menyebutkan dari riwayat Muhamad bin Abdul-Baqi dari Abu Bakr Muhamad bin al-Hassan al-Naqqasy, dari Abu Said r.a bahawa Rasulullah saw bersabda:

"Rejab adalah bulan Allah, Sya’ban bulanku dan Ramadhan bulan umatku, maka barangsiapa yang berpuasa bulan Rejab dengan penuh keimanan dan mengharapkan pahala dari Allah, maka ia wajib mendapat keredhaan Allah Yang Maha Agung dan ditempatkannya di Syurga al-Firdaus yang tertinggi. Sesiapa yang berpuasa dua hari dari bulan Rejab maka baginya pahala dua kali ganda, timbangan tiap-tiap ganda bagaikan bukit-bukit di dunia. Barangsiapa yang berpuasa tiga hari dari bulan Rejab maka Allah menjadikan antaranya dan Neraka sebuah parit yang panjangnya setahun perjalanan. Barangsiapa yang berpuasa empat hari dari bulan Rejab maka ia akan diselamatkan dari bala, gila, kusta, sopak, fitnah al-Masih al-Dajjal dan dari azab kubur…."

Ibnu al-Jawzi telah menghukum hadith ini dengan maudhu’.

2. Ibnu Shahin meriwayatkan dari Ali r.a dari Harun bin ‘Antarah bahawa Rasulullah saw bersabda:

"Sesungguhya bulan Rejab adalah bulan yang agung, maka barangsiapa yang berpuasa sehari dari bulan Rejab nescaya Allah menuliskan baginya puasa seribu tahun. Siapa yang berpuasa dua hari dari bulan Rejab maka Allah menuliskan baginya puasa dua ribu tahun. Siapa yang berpuasa tiga hari dari bulan Rejab maka Allah menulis baginya puasa tiga ribu tahun…"

Menurut Ibnu ‘Iraq: Hadith ini adalah maudhu’ tanpa syak lagi. Harun bin ‘Antarah pula disi Ibnu Hibban adalah seorang pereka hadith.

3. Diriwayatkan daripada Ali bin Abu Talib r.a bahawa Rasulullah saw bersabda:

"Aku dibangkitkan sebagai Nabi pada 27 Rejab, maka barangsiapa yang berpuasa pada hari itu dan ia berdoa sewaktu berbuka puasa, maka puasa itu menjadi kifarat baginya selama sepuluh tahun".

Hadith ini telah disebut oleh al-Hafidz Ibnu Hajar dari kitab Fawaid susunan Abu al-Hassan bin Shakhr dengan sanad yang batil.

Demikianlah antara contoh sebahagian kecil daripada hadith-hadith palsu yang tersebar dikalangan masyarakat Islam mengenai fadhilat puasa di bulan Rejab ini. Masih terdapat banyak lagi hadith-hadith palsu lain mengenai fadhilat puasa di bulan ini yang sesetengah daripada fadhilat tersebut tidak dapat diterima oleh akal yang sejahtera, apatah lagi ianya bercangggah dengan kaedah dan prinsip asas agama.

Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar di dalam menyentuh perkara ini berkata: Tidak terdapat hadith-hadith yang boleh dijadikan hujah yang menyebut tentang fadhilat khusus bulan Rejab, atau fadhilat berpuasa (sepenuhnya) di bulan ini, atau berpuasa sebahagiannya, atau menghidupkan malamnya yang khusus.

(Ibn Hajar, Tabyin al-‘Ajab fi ma warada fi Fadhl Rajab, m/s 23).

Sayyidina Omar al-Khattab melarang orang berpuasa dibulan ini dan beliau pernah memukul tangan orang yang tidak mahu makan disebabkan berpuasa di bulan Rejab.

(al-Suyuti, al-Amr bi al-Ittiba’ wa al-nahyu an al-Ibtida’, (Bierut: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyah, cet.1, 1988), m/s 63).

Al-Imam Al-Syawkaniy pula menyebut di dalam kitabnya al-Fawaid: ((Dalam satu risalahnya Ali bin Ibrahim al-‘Athar berkata: Apa yang diriwayatkan mengenai keutamaan puasa Rejab semuanya maudhu’ dan dhaif tidak mempunyai sumber. Katanya lagi: Abdullah al-Anshari tidak berpuasa Rejab dan beliau melarangnya dan berkata: Tidak ada satu hadith pun yang sahih dari Nabi saw mengenainya)).

(Al-Syawkaniy, al-Fawaid al-Majmu’ah, m/s 440).

Selain daripada amalan yang disebutkan ini, terdapat lagi amalan khusus lain yang disebarkan seperti amalan membaca apa yang disebut sebagai ‘Istighfar Rejab’. Disebutkan di antara fadhilatnya ialah sesiapa yang menulis atau menggantung atau membawa atau membaca istighfar Rejab maka ia akan mendapat pahala sebanyak 80, 000 pahala para Nabi.

Terdapat juga sesetengah umat Islam yang menunaikan umrah pada bulan ini dengan menganggap ianya mempunyai fadhilat yang khusus jika dilakukan pada bulan Rejab.

Demikianlah sebahagian amalan yang biasa dilakukan oleh umat Islam di dalam bulan Rejab ini yang tidak bersumberkan dari Rasulullah saw. Persoalan yang mesti diulang fikirkan lagi adakah amalan-amalan tersebut akan diterima oleh Allah dan mendapat ganjarannya?. Atau ianya tidak mendapat apa-apa kecuali penat dan letih sahaja. Semoga Allah swt mengampunkan kesalahan yang dilakukan di atas kejahilan kita. Marilah kita bersama-sama untuk membenteraskan kegiatan penyebaran hadith-hadith palsu di kalangan umat Islam. Pastikan ibadah yang kita lakukan benar-benar menepati sunnah Rasulullah saw dan diiringi dengan keikhlasan kepada Allah swt.

Bon Voyage, Hadi

Late Friday evening (18th. July, 2008) at about 7.15 p.m, we were on the way from Bandar Seri Putra to LCCT, KLIA. After passing the roundabout near KLIA mosque, I could not resist stopping by the highway to admire and record the beauty of the evening sunset.

Last night, Abdullah Al-Hadi (Hadi) flew back to Gold Coast by an Air Asia flight at 2120 hrs. Alhamdulillah, he arrived at Australia at 7.25 a.m. to continue his study at the Queensland University in Biotechnolgy.

Hadi was back in Malaysia from the 4th. July, 2008 to take his driving test. Alhamdulillah, he passed the test last Wednesday and now he has got his P-licence (Provisional).
Second congratulation is also due to Hadi for securing Deans List in a row in your last University Exams.. May all the success be yours always.. Ameen...

Lots of Love and doa from ayah, mama, kakak, abang, Munzir and Firah..
Take Care ....

TSPulai, Johor.

Selesa Hills Home Outing Remembered

Our family outing at Selesa Hills Home, Bukit Tinggi from 11th. to 13th. July, 2008 is probably the last outing to be remembered where all original family members were present. Future gathering or reunion is most likely it will be organised with extended family members will be present (in-laws).
We pray to Allah for His forgiveness and hopefully we would be granted future gathering and could spend our time together again in the future as Abdullah Al-Hadi has flown to Australia to continue his Biotechnology Engineering course and Munzir will be flying to Leeds, UK to further his stidy in Medicine.

The challenge would be to get the two siblings from north and south continents together. May Allah Grant us the time to be together again soon, Ameen...

Skudai 20-July-2008

Monday, July 14, 2008

Two-six And Twenty-six A Kilo for Musang King

After a tiring day exploring Colmar Tropicale, Japanese Tea Garden, Botanical Garden and Rabbit Farm at Berjaya Hills Resort, I decided to treat my family with durian that night.
So, after Isyak I went to look for a durian hawker at a small town of Bukit Tinggi, about 1.5km from our apartment.
After spotting one of the stall which was still opened then, I approached the durian seller.
Upon seeing me, he said : " Ini durian baik, Musang King.. harga murah sahaja.. dua enam satu kilo !!! " (This durian is good, Musang King..the price is cheap, two six only (RM2.60/kilo).
On hearing that, at the back of my mind I was thinking that the durian must be cheap since I saw a heap of durian skin at the back of the stall. The durian season is just round the corner, I thought.
So I just selected one by one of the Musang King durian and the seller pierced through the torny fruit one by one, peeping into its flesh inside. After selected about 9 pieces of durian, the seller weighed all of them and it came out about 14.5 kg. I thought the cost would be just about 14.5 kg x 2.60 = RM 37.70...quite reasonable. Alas.. to my shock, the seller told me that the cost was RM377.00 !!!! I quickly said that, I heard him saying TWO SIX which I had literally translated it to RM2.60 per kilo but what he meant was TWENTY-SIX i.e. RM 26.00 a kilo !!!
I told the hawker politely that I didn't have much money and can he reduced the quantity to half.. After recalculating again a few times, "Never mind, I give you RM19.00/kilo.. if you were to buy it else where, it is to cost you RM30.00/kilo" he said while weighing the durians again. He said that the cost now is RM275.00 or just RM270.00 ....

Delicious and Exotic Musang King Durian

Well, I have never bought or heard such a durian before in my life although my parents used to own a durian orchard when I was small.
After a discussion with my sons, I decided to pay for the amount which was discounted by RM107.00 . I brought the durians home to the apartment..
After reaching the apartment, I asked my family members to guess how much was the cost of the durian.. the nearest answer was RM60.00 . They were shocked when I told them the durians were Musang King and I had paid RM270.00 for about nine pieces of them..
Without hesitation, I opened the king of fruits, one by one and Alhamdulillah, the price did all the sayings.. The fruits were so tasty and delicious and after everybody was full, we peeled open the rest to keep it for tomorrow morning breakfast. We had our kuah durian (durian gravy) cooked with milk and eat it with bread for breakfast the next morning... What a delicious Musang King durians..
So, the moral of the story is never assume what you have heard without asking what the actual meaning was... I was lucky as it was just a durian; what would happen if the item transacted is a house or something that we could not afford ???

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Berjaya Hill Resort, Bukit Tinggi

At around 9.30 a.m., we drove to Berjaya Hill Resort, Bukit Tinggi which is about 5 km from Selesa Hill Home apartment. Aparently, BHR Bkt Tinggi is one of the tourist attractions in the area. There are four avenues that could be visited by just paying one-time entrance fee of RM16.00 (adult) and RM8.00 for a child.

Beautiful sites of Colma Tropicale
They are :
1. Colma Tropicale (resemblance of a French Town);
2. Japanese Tea Garden & Botanical Garden;
3. Rabbit Farm & Horse Trail
4. Berjaya Golf & Country Club

The Colma Tropicale

An abstract from an avid tourist (Jan Leow dated 29-Aug-2006) who wrote :

Berjaya Hills (Bukit Tinggi Resort) nestled within a 6,400ha of lush greenery in Pahang, has a wide variety of interesting offers. It is located about 45 minutes away for the hustle and bustle of Kuala Lumpur, and with Genting Highlands around the corner, Berjaya Hills (Bukit Tinggi Resort) wants to vie the crowds of Kuala Lumpur to have another choice for a nearby highlands resort.

But at 2,700 feet above sea level, it is still does not have the cool climate weather as the other highlands like Cameron Highland, Fraser's Hills, Genting Highlands, and Bukit Larut. Even without the cool weather, Berjaya Hills offerings can still rival that of nearby Genting Highlands. Because of its relative close proximity to Kuala Lumpure city, you could actually plan a simple day trip with your family or friends without having to stay overnight, much the same like a day trip to Genting Highlands.

Surrounded by 16,000 acres of tropical rainforest of Pahang, you can find within this resort the famous French theme resort known as Colmar Tropicale. The other popular theme retreat is also a must visit if you are planning a visit there is the Japanese Village and Gardens. I would say that these two themes - the Colmar Tropicale and Japanese Village & Gardens are the most popular amongst the visitors. The other two places would be more on personal special interest, and I did not even bother to try finding out where the Rabbit Park and Horse Trails is located within this resort.

We just visited the first two and a Rabbit Farm, which had taken more than 5 hours. The children had really enjoyed the visit and I really enjoy the natural beauty of the landscape and plants and flowers which have been planted here.

The Colmar Tropicale

The Japanese Tea Garden

The Japanese Tea Garden

The Botanical Garden

After spending about two and a half hours at the Colmar Tropicale and Japanese Tea Garden & Botanical Garden, we went to the Rabbit Farm. There are quite a handful of playful and tamed rabbits.

Rabbit Farm

We left the Berjaya Hills at about 3.45 p.m, feeling really exhausted and hungry.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Retreat to Selesa Hills Home

It has been quite sometime that we have not been to family holidays the whole family. This is because one or two of the family members that could not make it due to certain reasons. So a plan has been been made to make sure that the whole family could go to a retreat just before Munzir left for UK to pursue his studies.
An opportunity came when Hadi, the 3rd. of the siblings returned home for a two week holiday from Australia. So we had book a two-room apartment at Selesa Hill Home, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang for two nights.
So, after office today (Friday 11-Jul-2008) the whole family departed to Bukit Tinggi in two cars. This is because there are 2 parents, 4 adult children, a maid and an 8-year old daughter.

KL Cityscape during the drive-through to Bkt Tinggi

When we daparted from Bandar Seri Putra, Bangi it was already around 6 p.m... the time when the traffic jam is unavoidable. We decided to take the North South Highway, through SMART Tunnel at Sg, Basi and took an elevated highway to Ampang. From Ampang, we joined the Midle Ring Road 2 (MRR2) straight to Gombak and towards East Coast Highway just near Univ. Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM).
Alhamdulillah, the traffic jam was bearable and we reached Janda Baik Rest Area (at the foot of Genting Highland at around 7 p.m.). We had our 'dinner' at nice and clean Mac Donald restaurant at the R & R.

Dinner at the Mc Donald

The dinner was completed at about 8 p.m. where we continued our journey towards Bukit Tinggi.

Fun Time after meal at the Mc Donald

Alhamdulillah, just after 15 minutes descending the highway from the R & R , we exited the highway as we reached the valley. After turning left from the highway exit, we reached Selesa Hills Home, where we checked in at one of the apartments. After unloading our belongings, we took our long-awaited time to rest for the night.

Registration at Selesa Hills Home Apartment

Alhamdulillah, I found out that the Maxis Broadband modem signal was quite OK here (3G signal) where as usual, I started accessing my blog..
Well, need to have my shower and off to sleep for a real 'resting retreat' ..
Hope I could rest before another hectic week awaiting for me next week...

Some of the flowers a the main parking area

To Firah, Munzir, Hadi & Mama, the pool at Selesa Hills Home has been a place to relax and enjoyed swimming (although the pool was swarmed with other guests). Hope a brief stay at the apartment has been a memorable one...

The family's Swimming Team

Time-keeper : AFK

Monday, July 7, 2008

Happy Working, Kakak

My eldest daughter, Hidayah has been working with SAFF Consultants for more than 2 years now. She is in the Accounts Section, looking after the daily financial transactions of the company.

She seems to adapt reasonably well to the working environment. She sometimes drives home to Johor Bahru (280 Km away) to visit her younger sister, Zafirah. Some of my friends have been asking me : 'Bila nak dapat menantu ?' .. well, I leave it to the owner to determine, of course with the parents blessing ..

So, kakak, may your future be as bright as the mid-day sun in years to come ... Ameen..

Lol : Ayah & Mama & family

Welcome Home, Hadi ..

Last Saturday at 3.21 p.m. an Air Asia A300 plane touched down at LCCT, KLIA bringing my second son, Abdullah Al-Hadi home from Brisbane, Autralia.

Alhamdulillah, Hadi is back home for a two-week holidays and to take the Driving Test which he did not manage to take before his last holiday. His return was also planned so that he could meet his brother, Munzir who is supposed to fly to Leeds, England later next month to further his studies in Medicine for 5 years. Hadi is in Queensland University, Australia doing Biotechnology and Munzir will be in Leeds University, England. Both will be separated by an 18-hour flight distance..

Alhamdulillah, Hadi is doing well for the last 2 semesters at Queensland University, securing Dean's List in both semester exams... Congratulations Hadi, keep it up.

Please study hard without forgetting your duties to Allah and those around you. Pursue your mission and deliver your amanah to your utmost and hopefully one day, you will become a true Muslim Biotechnologist to serve mankind...Ameen..

Lol from Ayah.

Continue Your Mission, abang ..

Last Sunday, my eldest son Tawfiq, also known as abang in my family, just completed his 2-month long semester holidays and is going to his Second Year at Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN). He will be missed most by my youngest daughter, Zafirah as his brother was most of the time at home accompanying her at home for the past 2 months.

During his long holiday, Tawfiq was a chauffeur to her mom, Computer Technician to SAFF Consultants, Testing Technician to SAFF Testing and doing many other odd jobs.

So, the resting time is over and the struggle in the second year just begins.

Just some wishes from ayah & the family to you :
1. Just forget what happened at UTP;
2. Keep up with your performance in the last semester (CGPA = 3.8) or make it better;
3. Concentrate on your study first as you have big responsibilities ahead;
4. Do not be complacent of what we have now, which will not last forver;
5. Make Doa for me and your mom always;
6. Perform your duties towards Allah without fail ...

You have a mission to accomplish and may all your effort be rewarded by Allah SWT .... Ameen.

LoL from Ayah...

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Congratulations, Munzir .. for Passing IBD with Flying Colours

Tahniah Di Atas Kejayaan Cemerlang ..

Congratulations on Passing your recent International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Exam at Kolej Mara Banting (KMB) with flying colours. You managed to secure 42 out of 45 possible marks... a score of 93.3% ...Masya-Allah... Alhamdulillah.

May your study at the University of Leeds (from 2008 - 2013) to become a successful and Specialist Medical Doctor will be a successful one. We are all going to miss you soon...
I hope I could still be there to see you graduate as a Doctor, Ameen... Ya Rabb 'Alameen.

Lots of Love from Ayah & Mama..

Sunrise and Sunset - The Great Creation

Everybody knows since birth that the creation of this world and the changing of days and nights have produced some of the most wonderful scenes to be revered to. We never seem to feel satisfied after observing one sunrise or one sunset as every sunrise and sunset is unique and different from each other.

Supplication (doa) after Fajr (in the morning) :

'Sesungguhnya kami terjaga di pagi hari dengan (kesedaran bahawa) Kerajaan (bumi dan segala isinya) ini adalah milik Allah. Dan segala puji bagi Allah, tiada sekutu bagi-Nya, tiada Tuhan selain Dia dan kepada-Nya kami akan dibangkitkan..
Kami terjaga di pagi hari dalam fitrah Islam dan kalimat ikhlas dan dalam agama Nabi kami, Muhammad S.A.W dan dalam ajaran bapa kami Ibrahim yang lurus sedang dia bukan seorang yang musyrik ..'

Beautiful Sunrise

I am one of those who will never take any chance to let this wonderful moment to pass by without observing or capturing its moment (if I have a camera nearby). I have been late for my breakfast appointment if on the way I met with a sunrise. I have even stopped along the East-Cost Highway recently to snap a sunset scene where the Highway Rescue team approached me and then left without asking a question after seeing me holding a camera.

Supplication (doa) after 'Asr Prayer (in the evening, before sunset) :

'Sesungguhnya kami terjaga di petang hari dengan (kesedaran bahawa) Kerajaan (bumi dan segala isinya) ini adalah milik Allah. Dan segala puji bagi Allah, tiada sekutu bagi-Nya, tiada Tuhan selain Dia dan kepada-Nya kami akan ditidurkan..
Kami terjaga di petang hari dalam fitrah Islam dan kalimat ikhlas dan dalam agama Nabi kami, Muhammad S.A.W dan dalam ajaran bapa kami Ibrahim yang lurus sedang dia bukan seorang yang musyrik ..'

Evening Sunset

So, let us cherish this important moment of our daily life and thank our Creator for providing us with such scenes to be admired and to feel closer to Him, Ameen..

National Flower of Malaysia

The Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (Bunga Raya) is the national flower of Malysia.

Hibiscus, or rosemallow, is a large genus of about 200–220 species of flowering plants in the family Malvaceae (the mallow family, along with members like cocoa, cotton, okra, baobab and durian) native to warm temperate, subtropical and tropical regions throughout the world. The genus includes both annual and perennial herbaceous plants, and woody shrubs and small trees.
The leaves are alternate, simple, ovate to lanceolate, often with a toothed or lobed margin. The flowers are large, conspicuous, trumpet-shaped, with five or more petals, ranging from white to pink, red, purple or yellow, and from 4-15 cm broad. The fruit is a dry five-lobed capsule, containing several seeds in each lobe, which are released when the capsule splits open at maturity.
Many species are grown for their showy flowers or used as landscape shrubs. Hibiscus is also a primary ingredient in many herbal teas.

One species of Hibiscus, known as Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus), is extensively used in paperroselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) is used as a vegetable and to make herbal teasjams (especially in the Caribbean). making. Another, and

In Mexico, the drink is known as Jamaican water or agua de Jamaica and is quite popular for its color, tanginess and mild flavor; once sugar is added, it tastes somewhat like cranberry juice. Dieters or persons with kidney problems often take it without adding sugar for its beneficial properties and as a natural diuretic. It is made by boiling the dehydrated flowers in water; once it is boiled, it is allowed to cool and drunk with ice.

In Egypt and Sudan, roselle petals are used to make a tea named after the plant, karkade.

Hibiscus species are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including Chionodes hibiscella, Hypercompe hambletoni, the Nutmeg moth, and the Turnip Moth.

The Hibiscus is used as an offering to Goddess Kali and Lord Ganesha in Hindu worship. The Gumamela or Hibiscus rosa sinensis linn flower has antifungal, emmenagogue, emollient and refrigerant effect.[240]

The bark of the hibiscus contains strong fibers. They can be obtained by letting the stripped bark sit in the sea in order to let the organic material rot away. In Polynesia these fibers (fau, pūrau) are used for making grass skirts. They have also been known to be used to make wigs.

Hibiscus, especially white hibiscus, is considered to have medicinal properties in the Indian traditional system of medicine, Ayurveda. Roots make various concoctions believed to cure various ailments.

The natives of southern India uses the Red hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) for hair care purposes. The red flower and leaves, extracts of which can be applied on hair to tackle hair-fall and dandruff on the scalp. It is used to make hair protective oils. A simple application involves soaking the leaves and flowers in water and using a wet grinder to make a thick paste, and used as a natural shampoo.

Dried hibiscus is edible, and is often a delicacy in Mexico.

The hibiscus flower is traditionally worn by Hawaiian women. A single flower is tucked behind the ear. Which ear is used indicates the wearer's availability for marriage.

In temperate zones, probably the most commonly grown ornamental species is Hibiscus syriacus, the common garden Hibiscus, also known in some areas as the "Rose of Althea" or "Rose of Sharon" . In tropical and subtropical areas, the Chinese hibiscus (H. rosa-sinensis), with its many showy hybrids, is the most popular hibiscus.

About 200-220 species are known.

(Text extracted from Wikipedia and all photographs were taken by the Blogger)

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Bouquet of Roses

Rose is a flower that has a pleasant smell, and is usually red, pink, white, or yellow, or the bush that this grows on (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, page 1570).
In Malay, a rose flower is called Bunga Mawar.

Bouquet of Roses are normally used to grace formal ceremonies especially wedding occasion. This is due to its pleasant smell and outstanding colours. As roses are quite expensive, the flowers are normally accompanied by Carnation, which has the same colour as roses and has a sweet smell.
Recently, I had the opportunities attending two wedding occasions of my staff and sister-in-law. Both occasions were graced with red and yellow roses respectively. The smell and aroma produced by the roses was so pleasant.
Some of the common phrase that uses Rose as a comparative subject are :
1. not a bed of roses - if a job or situation which is not always pleasant;
2. put the roses back in his cheeks - make someone looks healthy again;
3. be coming up roses - be happening or developing in the best possible way;
4. not come out of something smelling of roses - a situation that makes you seems dishonest;

Although rose flowers are normally used to grace occasions or represent solace and sincere hearts, it is also used in Malay songs to mark the sadness or disappointment on someone. This sadness or hurts is due to the present of spiky thorn on its stalk. The most commonly words used to mark this sadness or hurting by someone is 'Mawar Berduri' which is literally translated into 'Thorny Roses' .

Podium KOMTAR, Johor Bahru

The KOMTAR upgrading works was awarded to the contractor in December, 2007 and expected to be completed in 2009. The work has been delayed since the year 2000 due to various unforseen circumstances and reasons. My company (SAFF Consultants) has been appointed as the Mechanical & Electrical Consultants in the upgrading works.

Some of the new M&E features that are being introduced to the new three-storey Podium Block are :
1. New Chiller c/w VRV control;
2. A new Bubble Lift is added;
3. 2 nos. Goods Lifts;
4. Escalators and Travelators;
5. Pre-paid Electrical Metering System;
6. IT Facilities (Wi-Fi);
7. New Fire Fighting System;
8. New Retail and F&B Lots
9. New electrical distribution systems (sub-station has been re-located to the roof-top to give way to expensive retail lots);
10. Upgraded Sewerage Treatment Plant;
11. Total building face-lift (internal & external).

The building demolition has been carried out since the last 6 months to make way for the new wing with additional floors. This area which previously housed the Bowling Alley and Cinemas have been replaced with new floors as the original floor levels are very high. The new area will house a brand-new modern Food Court and a Supermarket.
Last week, a new directive was given whereby a new 3-storey car parks will be constructed on the 3-storey podium block which will make the new podium to be a six-storey high. The floor height will also be changed to 5000mm at the Ground Floor and 4500mm to the rest of the floors. With this new requirement, a totally new M & E design on the podium block will have to be carried out as soon as possible as all the M&E Contractors are already on-board.
(latest info gathered from a meeting held at JBI Sdn. Bhd. KL on Friday 4th.July,2008)